Our Lasting Friendship SAL
Our Lasting Friendship was first released as an exclusive to Shepherd's Bush. The chart is now included as part of the book, Our Lasting Friendship that was released at the Nashville Market 2019. You should be able to order it from your local shop.
NOTE: The bottom right portion of this chart is labeled incorrectly. The last page that has the alphabet for customizing and is marked top-right is actually the bottom right.
Design Size: 201w x 225h
Recommended Fabric: 36ct Legacy by Picture This Plus
14/28ct - 14 3/8 x 16 1/8 plus 4" all sides = 22 3/8 x 24 1/8
16/32ct - 12
5/8 x 14 1/8 plus 4" all sides = 20 5/8 x 22 1/8
18/36ct - 11 1/8 x 12
1/2 plus 4" all sides = 19 1/8 x 20 1/2
20/40ct - 10 x 11 1/4
plus 4" all sides = 18 x 11 1/4
Recommended Floss: Classic Colorworks (CC) and Weeks Dye Works (WDW)
- CC Balsam Fir (DMC 935)
- CC Brown Sugar (DMC 975)
- CC Camouflage (DMC 3051)
- CC Carmel (DMC 3045)
- CC Fool's Gold (DMC 680)
- CC Gingerbread (DMC 420)
- CC Secret Garden (DMC 3052)
- CC Straw Hat (DMC 167)
- WDW Oak (DMC 612)
- WDW Tarragon (DMC 3011)
Specialty Stitches: Smyrna Cross. There is no over 1 stitching on this chart.
Chart Corrections
The outside border includes both
(CC Gingerbread) and
(CC Fool's Gold). From Alma: The chart is correct.
I used both colors. You might not be able to tell from the
Our Lasting Friendship Facebook group.
Come join us.