Geary Family Homestead - White Oak Garden Project

We have a very large old pin oak tree in our backyard which had an ivy bed underneath. The four year drought and our new puppy had taken their toll on the ivy. We pulled it all up and tried to decide what to do with that area.

Our local nursery, Shreckhise came out and recommended boxwoods and hostas as not much else will grow in the shade of the tree. They planted and mulched the area, we added a wooden garden glider and this is the end result. Click on the thumbnail for larger image.

Unfortunately during the summer of 2006, our beautiful old oak tree died. Now we need to decide what to do about it. We need to have the tree taken down and something fast growing planted to - in the future - give us some shade. You can click on any thumbnail to see the larger image.

This year we made some more changes to the back yard and deck by adding a Sunsetter motorized awning. NOTE: You will need to use your back button to return to this page.
